5-29-2001 Added
the history of the Volkswagen Passat. Check it out under the VW Histories on the
5-17-2001 Added
"Decode your VIN" where you can see what the VIN number of your VW
means. Check it out under VW Histories.
5-14-2001 Added
flags to represent the countries and states that THotV members represent.
Shamless birthday plug and history added..:)
5-9-2001 Redesigned
the membership application and changed all the links for it. Merged the sign up
form and the Member Profile.
5-2-2001 Designed
and posted our very own Website award. We have 4 different awards. The Golden
Groovin' Award, The Silver Groovin' Award, the Bronze Groovin' Award and The
Groovin' Site Award. Check the bottom of the links section for the 'Apply for
our Website Award' button. If you have a site that has something to do with a
Volkswagen, Submit it, you never know.
5-1-2001 Changed
the links on the non framed version of the site. Added a link to view the non
framed version of the site from the framed version. Continually adding members
to the member list.
added to the "What have me and my friends been up to lately" link on
the main page. Just starting work on the engine tear down of the 1969 VW Beetle
Chop Top.
a Member's Volkswagen Page! Re-Designed the Framed version of the website! Added
this page!
7 new VW commercials. Three Speculation ads and four new ads. GRAND TOTAL of 59
Commercials online!
a Volkswagen Site? Join our Web Ring in the Web ring Section! The Home of the
Volkswagen Web Ring!
on the Volkswagen Microbus Concept, the Beetle Dune Concept, and the AAC
Concept. Check the links!
can now be a part of The Home of the Volkswagen Online VW Club! Membership is
FREE! Use the link in the top frame to sign up or learn more!